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Care ministries

Braille Workers
Bethlehem’s Lutheran Braille Workers Center prints various Braille books of the Bible in several languages for use
throughout the world. Braille meets weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11:30 am.

Food Pantry
Bethlehem's Food Pantry is open on the third Tuesday of the month from 10:00 - 11:00 am. Our current format is drive-up. Those coming to receive food, please enter the Weiss St. parking lot and pull up to the church doors or join the line. Please be sure to bring a form of identification. No appointment necessary. If you're interested in volunteering, donating, or have questions, please
 contact our office.


Funeral Luncheon Volunteer Group

This ministry assists Bethlehem families by facilitating funeral luncheons and providing desserts and salads for the event. We are currently looking for a new team leader. Contact the church office for more information.



BLEST stands for Bethlehem Ladies Enjoying Service Together.  All ladies from Bethlehem are invited to join us and check out the action.  We meet on the third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise noted in our program, at 1 pm. Our service projects include arts and crafts, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, tying knots on World Relief quilts, and sewing strips of material together for rugs. For more info, please call Irene Lange at 989.754.5594.



For more information about this ministry, please click here.

Homebound Visitors
Bethlehem seeks to care for its homebound members with cards, pastoral visits, private communion, and regular visits from fellow members. Please contact the church office to volunteer or to request a visit.

Stephen Ministry
Trained Stephen Ministers assist their fellow Christians with one-on-one care during times of crisis or trouble.       

For more information, click here.

Braille Ministry Team
volunteers distributing bags of onions
food pantry volunteers distributing boxes of food


Bethlehem Lutheran Church & School

Saginaw, MI 48602


Employment Opportunities>


Office: 7:30am-3:30pm

School doors open 7:35am

School Dismissal: 3:00pm

Early School Dismissal: 11:30am



Office: 7:30am-3:30pm (Mon - Thurs)

Office closed Friday-Sunday

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